Registration Details

The AIRP four-week Radiologic Pathology Correlation Course provides a unique radiology training experience for residents and fellows. The course offers a comprehensive radiologic presentation of a broad range of diseases and their pathological basis from all organ systems and imaging modalities.

ACR Institute For Radiologic Pathology Course: VIRTUAL - 8/4-29/25

Course Overview

This academic year, the ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology™ (AIRP®) offers five courses:

  • Three virtual courses.
  • Two in-person courses; one will be live-streamed.


The live-streamed course includes self-paced lectures, as well as live-streamed sessions.


Are you an AIRP alum? If so, you’re eligible for a 50% discount on registration. Your discount cannot be combined with any discounts on AIRP categorical courses.

Course Objectives

  • Apply the principles of radiologic-pathologic correlation to the interpretation of radiologic studies.
  • Understand the clinical and treatment implications of diseases with characteristic radiologic appearances.
  • Refine differential diagnoses in various organ systems based on specific imaging features related to their underlying pathology.

Additional Dates


Sept. 8–Oct. 3, 2025




Silver Spring, Maryland


Oct. 13–Nov. 7, 2025




Feb. 9–March 6, 2026




March 16–April 10, 2026




Aug. 3–28, 2026




Sept. 14–Oct. 9, 2026




Silver Spring, Maryland


Oct. 19–Nov. 13, 2026



Reserve Your Room

Find a hotel and reserve your room for the in-person course. Discounted rates are available.

Book your room

Four Week Course Registration Fee Schedule

2025 Fees2026 Fees
Resident/Fellow (case submission required)*$2,200$2,275
Non-Radiologist Resident/Fellow$2,350$2,425
Practicing Physician (ACR Member)$3,000$3,075
Practicing Physician (Nonmember)$3,250$3,325
Active-Duty Military, VA and USPHS50% off applicable rate50% off applicable rate

*30-day late fee applies

Register your Residents

Program Coordinators, follow AIRP instruction to register your residents.

Find updated instructions

Attendance Is Mandatory

Failure to log in and participate in either the Q&A session or attendance check-in will adversely affect your course completion status and may disqualify you from earning your course completion certificate.

If you must miss sessions or check-ins, it’s essential to contact your program directors and/or coordinators in advance. Please obtain a letter from your program director or coordinator approving your absence and notify us via email at

Outline of Course Requirements

Review the detailed outline of course requirements in the learning management system (LMS). You’ll have access to the LMS one week prior to the course start date. These requirements include:

  • Submitting a high-quality Rad-path correlation case (or paid “program approved” waiver).
  • Acknowledgement of completing the Course Policies.
  • Attending 75% of all lectures.
  • Completing the final assessment.
  • Completing the end-of-course survey.

What You Can Expect

Livestream courses will be broadcast live via Zoom conferencing. Participants must attend these sessions in real-time during the livestream. Attendance, mandatory for course completion, will be monitored during these livestream sessions.

In-person and virtual courses will feature livestreaming during the in-person sessions, incorporating interactive elements such as chat, polling and Q&A sessions. Please note that recorded content from the live presentations will not be available for later viewing.

Remote participants are required to log in to Zoom and mark their attendance following provided instructions, attending live lectures daily, starting at 8 am ET. Those in different time zones should adjust their schedules accordingly. In-person attendees should adhere to instructions outlined in their welcome packet on the first day of the course. Attendance in real-time during the entirety of the four-week course is mandatory for both remote and in-person participants to receive credit and mark their attendance.

A corresponding reference recording will be accessible to aid residents in concurrent learning with each section. However, it's important to emphasize that reviewing reference recordings neither substitutes attendance nor fulfills course requirements for credit. Reference recordings consist of ungraded content from past courses and do not meet course completion criteria. Please note that not all lectures have corresponding reference recordings available.

An in-person course will integrate interactive elements including Q&A sessions. Please be aware that presentations conducted in-person will not be recorded for future viewing.

To mark attendance, participants are required to adhere to the instructions outlined in their welcome packet distributed on the first day of the course.

Get Your Course Information

Log in to Canvas to access your virtual and in-person course information.

New Updates Boost Accountability for the Virtual Courses

As of July 1, 2024, AIRP enacted some exciting changes to enhance the value of the virtual courses:

Live Attendance Is Mandatory

Join your Zoom sessions in real-time to earn course credit.

Poll Everywhere Is a Must

You need a minimum of 75% participation with Poll Everywhere to earn course credit.

Don’t Miss Out on Live Sessions

Use digital recordings for review to supplement your learning: great for review but not replacements for live sessions.

Missed Lectures Must Be Pre-Approved

Attendance is key to getting the most from these powerful learning opportunities.

Case Submissions

Residents attending the four-week course must submit a case report demonstrating radiologic-pathologic correlation. Ideally, this case report will encourage multidisciplinary interaction with your surgical and pathology colleagues.

Your submissions are also vital to maintaining the AIRP case archive. The diversity of high-quality cases in the archive allows for continued study of disease processes with pathologic correlation and provides teaching material to emphasize radiologic-pathologic correlation for current and future attendees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most-asked questions about the virtual and in-person Four-Week Radiologic Pathology Correlation Course.

Cancellations must be received in writing:

  • Cancellations less than 30 days prior to the start of any course and “no-shows” will not be given a refund.
  • Cancellations more than 30 days prior to the start of a four-week course will receive a refund less a $300 fee.
  • Program registration is not complete until payment has been fully processed. Payments by check must be received within 45 days of the date of registration. Any spot not paid within 45 days of registration will be canceled.

If you have requested a refund, please know that ACR staff are actively working through this process and appreciate your patience during this time. The timeframe to receive your refund may be extended, but all efforts are being made to ensure that you receive your refund within 30 days of the date of your written request.

If you are unable to submit a case and wish to waive the submission requirement, please obtain a letter from your program director granting permission to waive this requirement. A $500 fee applies for waiving. Letters should be submitted to

Provide a letter from your program director acknowledging the identified deficiencies with a valid explanation and submit a $100 processing fee to obtain your certificate.

Transfers are permitted; however a $100 administrative fee will be assessed for transfers of any kind made up to two weeks prior to the course. Transfers made less than two weeks prior to the course will not be permitted.

AIRP welcomes all international attendees. A trip to the U.S. may require an additional degree of planning. The following is essential information for planning a trip to the U.S.

ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology Correlation Four-Week Course
AFI Silver Theatre
8633 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3916

If you must apply for a temporary, non-immigrant visa to attend AIRP, you are advised to apply no later than three to four months prior to the course.

AIRP offers an official letter of invitation for international attendees. Please contact Obse Debela at for more information. The visa letter of invitation, though not required for the visa application, can assist as a supporting document. Present this letter to the consular officer during the visa interview. This letter by no means guarantees admittance to the U.S., but it can provide compelling evidence for immigration officials to consider. Please note that AIRP cannot intervene with U.S. embassies abroad or with the U.S. State Department on behalf on any attendee.

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables nationals of specific countries to travel to the U.S. without obtaining a visa for tourism or business stays of 90 days or less. For more information, see the United States Department of State's Visa Waiver Program information.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is a free, automated system used to determine the eligibility of visitors for travel to the U.S. under the VWP. A valid ESTA approval is required for all VWP travel to the U.S. The electronic version collects the same information as the paper I-94W form also used for travel to the U.S.

ESTA applications may be submitted at any time prior to travel. An ESTA authorization generally will be valid for up to two years. Authorizations will be valid for multiple entries into the U.S. The DHS recommends that travelers submit an ESTA application as soon as they begin making travel plans.

In 2010, the DHS transitioned to enforcing compliance of the ESTA requirement for VWP travelers. Therefore, VWP travelers who have not obtained approval through ESTA should expect to be denied boarding on any air carrier bound for the U.S.

Effective May 24, 2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection will charge $21 for travelers intending to travel to the U.S. with an approved ESTA. The fees include a $4 administrative fee and a $17 travel promotion fee established by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018. More information regarding this fee can be found on the Customs and Border Protection website.

Include a letter of invitation from the meeting organizer. Please contact Obse Debela at for more information.

When possible, provide proof of professional scientific and/or educational status, society membership and/or meeting registration.

Visa applicants are expected to provide evidence that they intend to return to their country of residence. Therefore, applicants should provide proof of binding or sufficient ties to their home country or permanent residence abroad. Visa applications are more likely to be successful if done in the visitor's home country.

Applicants should present their entire trip itinerary, including travel to any countries other than the U.S. at the time of their visa application.

All applicants must be able to qualify for a visa on their own merits under the requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Any registration received less than 30 days prior to the start of the four-week course will be charged a $300 late fee in addition to the regular course fee.

Program Registration is not complete until payment has been fully processed. Payments must be received within 45 days of the date of registration. Any spot not paid for within 45 days of registration will be canceled.

For course registration or login questions, please submit your inquiries to or call 800-373-2204.

Code of Conduct

Before you will be given access to the Canvas course content, please review the following course policies and answer the question below.

  • Always conduct and present yourself in a professional manner.
  • Be respectful and considerate of ACR members, volunteers, staff, contractors, course registrants and guests.
  • Refrain from discriminatory, harassing and demeaning speech or behavior.
  • Document only your own attendance and complete only your own work.

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive or discriminatory actions or speech.
  • Verbal abuse.
  • Intentional and unwelcome sexual references or connotations.
  • Disruptive behavior that will interrupt any portion of the course.
  • Documenting the attendance or work of other students.

  • Promptly report the situation to the AIRP Director, Don Hatley, via email or phone at 703-390-9882.

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated at any AIRP course, therefore individuals displaying such behavior will be asked to immediately stop the behavior. In addition, ACR reserves the right to ask the offender to leave the course without warning and prohibit participation at any future ACR meeting or events. If an offender is asked to leave the course, ACR will not refund any course registration fees or related expenses incurred for their attendance at the meeting.

Based on the individual's relationship with ACR and/or AIRP (i.e. staff, member, member-in-training, volunteer or guest) further disciplinary action may be taken for anyone displaying unacceptable behavior. These actions can include but are not limited to: a verbal warning to the offender, suspension or termination of employment from ACR; Ethics Committee action including suspension or expulsion from ACR membership; banning from future ACR membership and/or meetings and events and notification of the appropriate residency program director.

Please note that ACR policies against sexual harassment and other unlawful discrimination applies to all ACR locations and activities, including virtual courses. If you have direct experience of, or learn of any inappropriate conduct by staff, members, members-in-training, or anyone else, please inform the AIRP Director, Don Hatley, immediately. This policy is to help one another and ensure a comfortable learning environment for all.

Acceptable Use of Score Data Policy

ACR Acceptable Use of Exam Data Policy — Examinations & Assessments

ACR develops, administers and scores various examinations and assessment tests as part of its educational mission. These instruments include those used to assess educational progress, such as the diagnostic radiology (DXIT™) and radiation oncology (TXIT™) in-training examinations, and those used to assess course participation and completion knowledge, such as those included during or at the conclusion of various on-line and in-person courses. As such, it becomes important to articulate how examination-related data can and should be used, especially considering requests from outside parties for examination-related score data. The intent is to provide guidance for staff, committees etc., concerning the acceptable use of examination data in fulfilling their duties.

In the context of occupational and educational testing, there are three general types of data that result from the ongoing administration of examinations and assessments:

  1. Score Data. This data includes raw, percent, percentile rank and/or scaled score information for individuals, institutions or test populations.
  2. Status Data. This typically takes the form of passing and failing rates among a particular testing population for a given assessment or test.
  3. Psychometric Data. This includes various kinds of statistical information which is calculated to determine how an examination instrument is performing, and how each item comprising that instrument is performing. The primary purpose of this information is to ensure that a particular instrument is measuring the cognitive traits (or knowledge, skills and abilities) it is intended to measure, and is usually gathered into an Item Analysis Report containing a summary of test statistics, a test frequency distribution, an item quintile table and item statistics.

  1. Score Data. For ACR norm referenced examinations (i.e. educational tests), such as the in-training examinations, institutional and population score data will be provided to residency Program Directors for the purpose of assessing individual resident progress and for self-evaluation of the Institution’s educational programs. This data shall also be made available, upon request, by those ACR committees or bodies tasked with the development and administration of the examination for the sole purpose of performing their tasked mandates and for ensuring the quality of the examinations. Additionally, Program Directors will be encouraged to share individual score data with residents.

    For course participation and completion assessments, score data shall be made available, upon request, by those ACR committees or bodies tasked with the development and administration of the courses in question for the sole purpose of performing their tasked mandates and for ensuring the quality of the courses or educational activities.

    Due to the significant potential for the misuse or misinterpretation of test score data, it shall not be provided for any other purposes or to any other entities than those described above.

  2. Status Data. For ACR competency examinations, pass/fail status data shall be provided solely to individual test takers. Additionally, failing candidates shall be provided diagnostic data to give the test taker information that can be used to help the test taker remediate performance and to guide future study plans.

    Additionally, status data shall also be made available, upon request, by those ACR committees or bodies tasked with the development and administration of the examination for the sole purpose of performing their tasked mandates and for ensuring the quality of the examinations or assessments.

    In general, pass/fail data or rates will not be published or made publicly available by ACR, except for specific educational or similar purpose deemed to be appropriate by the appropriate governing committee.

  3. Psychometric Data. Psychometric data is created as part of the ongoing assessment of how ACR examinations are performing and to ensure ACR testing instruments meet testing industry standards appropriate for the type of instrument in question. Accordingly, psychometric data shall be made only available, upon request, by those ACR committees or bodies tasked with the development and administration of the examination for the sole purpose of performing their tasked mandates and for ensuring the quality of the examinations or assessments.

    For reasons of test security, and due to the significant potential for the misuse or misinterpretation of these types of measurement statistical characteristics, psychometric data will not be published or made publicly available by ACR.

Need more information? Contact us today

AIRP Rad-Path Categorical Courses

Gain skills to improve your diagnostic accuracy in identifying specific diseases, their treatment and potential complications.